Monday, April 27, 2009

The ivory tower does not equal Euphoria. UG Professor kills wife commentary

So on to this thing sticking in my craw - So by now everyone has heard of the University of Georgia professor that as CNN reported it.....shot his wife and prominent attorney; and a 63 year old guy....thus suggesting the possiblility of an affair between said attorney and wife then hinting the next day that the couple was having problems (the professor and wife). I was not at all surprised. Then someone on Facebook today makes the outrageous comment as to how could he have done that. He was an endowed professor, with an OUTSTANDING curriculum vitae. What happened? What happened my friend is that to become an endowed professor you have to forsake family and home. What happened is that the stress of becoming an endowed professor may have fed into disruption of his marriage. Seriously, how many happily married endowed professors are they except the ones who married their secretaries/students and other lap dogs who continue to look up at them like they are gods. There. I said it. I liken the Ivory tower to the Tower of Babel. It is yet another means of achieving god-like status. Nothing wrong with learning. In fact, I love learning. But learning narrowly to achieve high status is like not learning at all. A PhD is a degree of philosophy. A degree that is awarded when you learn to think. Not on just your subject but on life in itself. Galileo and Newton and all the other endowed professors of the past knew this but sadly it has been forgotton. So that a professor went off the deep end and killed his wife (purely objective - but she was probably cheating - men are territorial) and then has been smart enough to evade the police til now - that I attribute to his OUTSTANDING CV - dude has learned to think effectively. As to if his OUTSTANDING CV has anything to do with the fact that he killed his wife - yes. Dude obviously was arrogant enough to think he could get away with it. Why? Well he was an endowed professor and forever, ppl have been telling him how smart how great how wonderful how OUTSTANDING he is. Dude prolly believed the hype. Enough to awaken his inner psychopath. Maybe, just maybe, if we knocked down the damn Ivory Tower and stop putting these academics up on pedestals, we would stop judging them by their OUTSTANDING CV and instead see them as humans capable of falling and of failing. And now my craw is clean.

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