Thursday, May 28, 2009

Maybe I shudda be a professor

Yes.......maybe I should have been a professor.......but then would I have these lovely experiences in the corporate world? It seems that no matter where you go, jobs are stressful. And I do not understand why.......I have come to the conclusion that people are the varying factor. This is not about lay-offs or pay cuts or wage freezes. Working is about people. Working is about working with people and to be successful in any job I believe we should all learn a little bit of psychology. Because psychology helps us to understand where people are coming from and why they act the way they do. Your best friend could be your boss but when they are at work with you all rules of friendship fly out the door. Why? Because they made need to impress somebody and that somebody ain't you.
Some days I come to work and I have a productive day and I ace my projects and everyone is happy and I look over the river and downtown Manhattan and I take a deep breath and I say ahhhh, I chose well. And some days I come to work and have a semi-productive day but a day in which I am yelled at and condescended to and clients call and act like (maybe I should not say that here) so I will be polite and say clients are demanding and then I wonder what the hell am I doing.
But I think I am having too much fun and I want to see this ride through and I still want to see if I am successful in I grin and bear it but empathy balanced with common sense still goes a long way. Oh and definitely using your head and praying a lot and staying calm. That is the key. I don't like to be pushed around but sometimes we have to live with the pushing and the shaking until one day we can push back and stand on the top of the heap and maybe then, just maybe, make the environment that you want to make for yourself in your job.
Or maybe just leave it all and live on a beach somewhere catching your own fish and picking fruit from your own fruit trees.................and being with your family.